Dia de los Muertos Installation and Video Projection at Kularts Nursing These Wounds dance performances
Oct 21-31, 2022 Brava Theater, San Francisco
Filipino Americans make up just 4% of U.S. registered nurses but account for over 30% of all COVID-related nurse deaths. To honor their ultimate sacrifice, O.M. France Viana portrays nurses as superheroines in a Dia De Los Muertos installation at Brava Theater. Featured is a butterfly cape of the binakol kinuskos fabric pattern, a magical Philippine cloth hung beside the dead to ward away evil spirits. (In Philippine folk lore, a butterfly flying nearby means an ancestor is visiting.) The cloth’s op art spinning vortex pattern echoes Wonder Woman’s signature transformational spin; Wonder Woman’s first secret identity was a G.I. nurse.
The nurse’s scrubs are made of cloth stamped and inscribed with letters from the community; the pocket holds sage, frankincense, ube, and vaporub. Purple grow lights shine healing rays on passersby. The Philippine Community came out to stamp and sign the cloth at FANCO club events and Pistahan at Yerba Buena.
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Video projection at Kularts Nursing These Wounds performances